“Dreams come true around me”
Someone told me recently, “Dreams are your calling of what you’re supposed to be doing; they’re visions. Stop thinking this shit is a joke; it’s all happening for a reason.”
And it hit me harder than I expected it to. It stuck with me because I needed to hear it, not from myself but from someone else. We don’t realize how many people around us are messengers of the most important things we need to hear. Most of us aren’t intentional in listening when others are speaking to or over us. We hear them but we don’t hear them. This is your sign to starting paying attention babe! I promise you will start to receive confirmation and messages you have been asking for if you do.
He also told me, “You deserve to be happy.” We have all heard that before, but it made me realize that I’m truly not. Only you are in control of your state of being. Misery is a choice. And I’ll be honest with you, misery only attracts more misery and you and I both deserve better than that. So why do we keep choosing it then if we know it’s not what we desire? Because it’s comfortable, it’s predictable, and it’s much easier to complain than it is to change. Change is scary and so is the unknown, but I think being complacent might be the worst of them all. If you feel drawn to do something then do it. You don’t have that feeling for no reason. Trust that you know what’s meant for you and that even if it doesn’t work out the way you envision it, let it be a lesson and learn from it. Bring your visions into fruition and stop getting in your own way. Let your new affirmation be “dreams come true around and for me.” Embrace the feeling of it and live in the end as if you already have it, then it is yours. We are no longer limiting our beliefs about ourselves or wasting our potential. Your time is now babe.
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