Murphy’s Law

Murphy's law states, "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". It can also be extended to "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.”

Everything is a lesson even when shit does hit the fan. It tends to when you least expect it to, it’s ass ik I wish it didn’t have to play out that way, but maybe it had to…it’s up to you how you receive divine intervention. You’re the one who decides if it’s positive or negative babe. You’re in more control than you think you are. Redirection is truly a blessing; find the lesson in what’s happened and LEARN FROM IT. Pls do us both a favor and intentionally learn the lesson that you’re meant to. The more you ignore it the louder it will present itself next time bc guess what babe, it’ll be back!! Whether that’s a different face or person or job whatever it may be, you will have to learn from it one way or another. Big tower moments like these are necessary for us to change and morph into the versions of ourselves we know we’re meant to be. We all need a little push sometimes, and that’s okay! Look at it like it’s the driving force you needed to make that decision or create the change you were so desperately seeking. It takes courage to seek out the unknown but if you feel drawn to doing something then know that you’re meant to. The scariest thing you can do is leave behind everything you think you know but trust you know what is truly aligned with your highest self. 

We go through these moments of adversity to see just how attached we are to whatever it is we’re currently losing or being pulled away from. A person, job, outcome, etc. This allows you to attract what it is you want and in turn start seeing the evidence of what it is you desire. You are powerful, you can work with Murphy’s Law to manifest what you want. Don’t look at the situation as if you’re being tested, this isn’t school! Instead think of it as a way of building resilience and your overall character to help instill confidence in your beliefs that what is meant for you will be yours. This process allows you to celebrate your desire once it is present. I want you to remember that nothing can go “right” or “wrong”. Everything works out the way it should. Trust that it all works out in your favor whether it’s how you anticipated it to or not. 


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